Sunday, June 27, 2010

Summertime, the Living's Easy

So I've decided to turn my "travel blog" into my "life blog"...we'll see how this goes. Feels like forever since I was in Paris but in reality its only been a little more than a's crazy how four plus months can go by and then you look back and it just feels like a dream you had one night.

Summer has been going interestingly enough so far. I did 3 weeks of kid sitting and now I'm just house sitting for the same family while they are in China. Basically I have an abundance of free time on my hands and have been trying to come up with fun ways to spend it. I've been teaching myself (re teaching myself..?) guitar and am pretty proud of the progress I've made. I have a fair amount of chords down and some noteworthy calusses on my finger tips. I've also been reading a fair amount and studying for the GRE's. All of this is helping me from sinking into the feeling that I am doing absolutely nothing with my life.

I might possibly job shadow a nurse at some point this summer, but the application still hasn't come in the mail yet...

Blah, blah, blahhhh.

Saturday was fun, aside from USA losing in the world cup that is. I watched the game and then, feeling inspired, went out with my friends and bought a soccer ball and then proceeded to play for awhile. Then played some Cranium. And at sunset we drove to Point Defiance to watch the sunset on the beach with wine. We mistakenly stayed past hours and got locked in the park for an hour until security came to unlock the gate. We saw approximately 10 deer and 2 raccoons.

Thats all the life I have in me to update right now.


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About Me

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I'm currently a student at the University of Puget Sound and will be going into my senior year this coming fall.

la tour eiffel

la tour eiffel
